Do Perfect People Even Exist?

What does "PERFECT" make you think of? Do you feel as though you are perfect as you currently are?
Most of the time we look at being perfect as some ideal, no faults, no stresses type of person. This, however, is not a description of a perfect person. This description is fictional and cannot ever be attained, this person does not exist.
So what is a perfect person?
You are!
A person is perfect because they are able to choose their own path. Perfect because they can mess up and learn from their mistakes. Perfect because they are capable of change and improving and growing.
This is what makes a person perfect because that is the very best we can hope for. It is realistic and attainable. It is perfect because it is measurable.
We all start where we are and grow from there.
This acceptance of where you start from is essential.
I know that every choice I have made in my life has brought me to this place. Every lesson has led me to the understanding and life that I currently have.
I accept that I could not possibly be anything else other than who I am or I would have had to have chosen differently in the past.
Because I cannot change past choices, I know I am exactly who I am supposed to be right now. In all my faults, challenges, and stresses I am uniquely prepared to be me in this exact moment in life. I am perfect as I am.
I am not the perfect version of me that I will one day become. I should not expect to be. This will be the journey of my life.
Just like a flower cannot blossom while it is still a seed, I cannot have the wisdom of old age while I am still growing. We must appreciate the part of life we are living for exactly what it is.
Is that seed not a perfect seed because it is not yet a flower? Is it flawed because it is not a perfect flower? Has that seed failed? No...
That seed is perfect for the stage of life it is in. It is essential and necessary to the outcome of the flower that will one day grow from it.
The place you are in life, right now, is also essential to your future blossoming. You have to grow through your life now, accepting it for the
valuable lessons it is bringing you.
You can know that if you use these lessons, plant and care for them, they will shape you into the flower you will one day become.
But for now... you are the perfect you, exactly as you are!
Accept and love this place no matter how unideal it seems. It is exactly where you need to be right now. It is perfect!
What can you learn here? How can you make choices with these lessons that will enable you to grow and build your future to new heights from here?
This is what makes you perfect. This is what makes you complete and wonderful. Your ability to learn, make educated choices and change your future... This makes a person perfect.
No one can compare to you in your unique perfection.
No one has lived your journey and learned from your lessons. No one wants to blossom exactly the way you want to blossom.
Don't try to compare yourself to others. How can you when you are perfect exactly the way you are?
Each one of us is perfect and we are all different from one another.
Therefore, it is impossible to compare.
We were put here to complement each other. So put your perfect self proudly on display and own your journey to blossoming exactly how you desire to bloom.
You are perfect exactly as you are!

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