Are you adding to your pressures?

How come it is so much easier to know what we should do than it is to actually do it sometimes?
It blows my mind how challenging this can be.
The craziest part is that it is rarely the same areas that we struggle to live up to our own expectations.
What comes easily to you may be the biggest struggle of my life.
The best of intentions will get you nowhere. In fact, your best intentions sometimes only make things worse since they add pressure to an already huge challenge.
The pressure is optional though. Be realistic with yourself. Know where you are starting and accept that.
If you know what you should do, but repeatedly fail to do it... that is perfectly okay. That is where you are. You are like a rebellious teen in this area of maturity and you need to figure out how to grow here in order to get to a different place.
Don't punish yourself repeatedly for being like a rebellious teen. Accept it as a fact.
Then use this information to be understanding with yourself when you mess up. Use this information to ask yourself what you need to grow in this area and work on that in baby steps. We grow in baby steps, growth rarely happens overnight.
The important thing to remember in these areas is that you are working on it. You are being a relentless Growth Enthusiast because staying here is not an option for you.
You can have faith that even if it is not solved for you right now, even if it won't be solved yet next week or even next year... it will be solved because you are actively and intentionally working to improve it.
Because you are not staying there, or going backwards, it is absolutely okay that you are where you are and you know it!
You accept it and own this as a real and valid struggle of yours that you may continue to work on for years. It is yours, and you're tackling it, so it is okay that it is there.
Be a proud teen. Proudly working through your rebellious nature. Proudly growing into better and more mature while you explore what is working against you and learn to work with it.
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