Stuck In A Rut?

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut... same crap, different day?
We all have areas where we obsessively GROW UP, and areas where we are like a dog chained to a steak and running in circles getting nowhere.
The important thing is to identify these circles for what they are.
Our world is full of systems that seem too big to change. No matter which side of the fence you are on, we're all feverishly running in circles and getting nowhere if we continue to do the same things we have always done.
Simply understanding that the smallest of changes is enough to bring a different outcome to learn from should feel empowering.
When you make a small change to escape the rut, do not be afraid or worry if it is the right or wrong change. Any different outcome is better than more of the same.
When that different outcome comes along, you will have learned more and be able to make a more educated choice for your next step away from the rut.
Escaping the chains that hold us in place running in circles is a process. We must intentionally do things differently to see different results and learn or adjust as we go.
As a society, we are currently seeing some of the places we are chained, metaphorically, to the stake in the yard and running in circles while we bark in a frenzy.
We don't change these systems overnight, we change with small steps towards a new outcome... and then learn and adjust.
We might not all agree on the right way to escape the rut, and that is okay.
It is not time for agreeing right now. Now is the time for learning... together! Listening to both sides and taking steps towards different... together. Now is the time for evaluating some other solutions and just trying them with the intent to be flexible and learn because a different outcome is better than the one than currently is.
How are you reaching out to the other side of the fence for strength? How are you working to create different outcomes to your ruts? How long will you be chained up before you take that first step to changing the outcome?
We go farther when we go together!
We need to think about where we are all the same to change systems, not where we are different.
Most of us want all races to feel safe. Most of us want all police officers to feel safe. These are not opposite things. It does not have to be one or the other and we must not loose sight of this.
There is power when we work together to create a different system.
Waiting for it to be my way or your way.... there will always be a loser.
Let's work together to bring lasting change by doing something different and learning from that to advance our future.
Join the movement of Obsessive Growers on our journey of intense personal growth.

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