How Questions Can Change Your Life!

How much do you think you control your choices each day?
If you're like many of us you just live from moment to moment without giving control very much thought.
Or maybe your like the rest of us who live in control of everything... only we control it because that is just what we do. We can't really say why we do it.
But really think about how much of your life you spend in auto pilot? Doing and doing and not really evaluating if it is still working for us to do in this way.
This is where 'Question Everything' can give you back real control in your life. Not only a cheap imitation of control built by old default responses and reactions.
Every response and reaction we have we use for a reason. At some point in our life it worked to benefit or help us.
However, we change. Our circumstances change. Our personalities change. Our reactions and responses should change too.
This is how we grow up. Changing responses that no longer are our only or best option takes very intentional evaluation.
How do you evaluate a response? ... You question it!
Is this response getting me the best possible results? Why did I respond that way? Was that the only way to respond?
What results did I want there? How should I respond to get those results?
This seems common sense but the truth is our responses and reactions are very often, when left on default, giving us the opposite results than the ones we want most.
We hide hurt with anger, which results in more anger given back instead of the healing we
most desire. We justify guilt with deflections of finger pointing and judgement which doesn't bring us peace, but instead we get shame and we hurt people we love running from our own responsibility.
These are how emotions left on default react to protect us, only they never truly protect us because they aren't conscientiously dealt with.
So question your responses and reactions.
Learn from them and make changes in how you will behave next time to get the results you want.
Question everything! #GrowUpAlready!

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