Three Simple Ways to Stop PANIC

anxiety emotion fear panic Mar 10, 2021

When was the last time you panicked?

Panic can range from the instant shock of a misplaced phone or keys all the way to the panic at hearing a loved one may have a terminal illness or the panic of a near accident. This is a wide range for one emotion. 

Panic serves a valuable purpose in our...

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5 Reasons To Hire A Marriage Coach

Relationships are tough. Everyone knows this. We expect it to be hard and then when it is difficult we can’t seem to think of anything else or even see past all the hurt. The crazy thing about the strongest love is that it also brings the possibility of the most painful hurt right along...

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Covid 19: How To Deal With The Worry


Worry works like our body’s warning system. It hyper focuses our attention on one or a few of the worst possible outcomes. Anxiety occurs when we get stuck in that vantage point and can’t seem to see anything else.

When it comes to a health pandemic as enormous and global as...

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How To Discover Who You Are?

Who are you?
Not what do you do. Not what is your name. Not who are you related to... No. Who are YOU?
What makes you happy? What makes you grateful? What makes you angry? What makes you feel overwhelmed?
What makes you want to run away and hide? What makes you...
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The Purpose Of Fear

What are the limits of your comfort zone?
Why are those limits there in your life? What instigated those limits?
How do you feel when your comfort zone is challenged or you are pushed past those limits?
Fear keeps us stuck inside of what we know to be our safe...
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How to Confidently Grow Into Adulthood

Do you ever get frustrated by something outside of your control?
Do you ever get scared because you can't imagine how things will ever be okay again?
Are your feelings sometimes just more than you can handle?
If so, you are not alone. Everyone experiences this at...
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How To Confidently Be Alone With Your Thoughts

Worries: "What if's" that pile up and overwhelm us.
Fears: The worst case scenarios playing on repeat as you live through the outcomes in your mind again and again.
Pain: Haunted by past ghosts, past traumas that keep us stuck and from moving forward confidently.
It is...
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What is the #1 Destroyer of Peace?

What do you fear?

Fear shakes our world and compromises our peace.

A very common fear is the fear of the unknown.

This fear will destroy your peace faster than any other fear.

A few years ago, I had a house fire. We lost nearly everything. Fortunately, myself and my two tiny daughters made it out...

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