The Wisdom of An Artist... Bob Marley

Are you in control?

Look back over all of the worst, most stressful moments in your life...

How in control were you?

If you had all the time in the world to have prepared could you really have controlled much?

Not usually.

Usually, in fact, these moments teach you more than you knew going into them.

This means, all of your knowledge and preparation and predictions would have been nearly worthless. A big waste of time actually.

So don't beat yourself up for not being better prepared.

Don't waste time thinking "If I had only known....".

You did not know. There was no way you could have known. So let yourself off the hook.

Look at the truth in these moments.

Look at what they taught you. How they were working to shape you...

In every one of them, the truth is that every little thing was alright.

You may have been hurt.

You may have experienced a great loss.

You may have been truly scared.


Every little thing is gonna be alright.

This too will pass.

There is another tomorrow and it will take care of itself too.

We go on, we move forward.

These moments define us. They shape us and prepare us for all that is yet to come.

Next time one of these more traumatic moments shakes your life to its very core, remember...

Every little thing is gonna be alright.

Take the moment for what it is, simply one moment, as you work through it to get to the next moment and see what it will hold for you.

What song lyrics deeply inspire you in your path to personal growth?


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