I can't

I can't... just the sound of it feels defeating. Is it all bad though? Do you ever use 'I Can't' as a catalyst for growth?
I can't is one of my favorite tools. Why? Because it is a shortcut, the fastest path to change and growth.
Usually, we hear things like, "If you think you...
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Are you adding to your pressures?

How come it is so much easier to know what we should do than it is to actually do it sometimes?
It blows my mind how challenging this can be.
The craziest part is that it is rarely the same areas that we struggle to live up to our own expectations.
What comes easily to you...
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Are You Seeking Opportunity

Do you spend each day looking for opportunities?
This week's affirmation says, "Every day there are opportunities for me!"
How many opportunities will you find this week?
Small or large... both are chances for better.
The opportunity to try a new coffee shop.
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Join The Movement - Grow Up Already!

Let's get all the great minds of our time in one place!

Join us in this movement to Grow Up Already!

This group is for Personal Growth Enthusiasts. Share with those unrelenting Growth Enthusiasts in your circle and we will continue to fast track our focus on growth.

We go farther when we go...

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